24-28 JUNE 2018


Day 5 Report & Final Standings

Centum Charitas Foundation presents, XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018
Daily Report - Day 5

In the...
29 Jun 2018

香港雖不敵菲律賓 仍穩奪亞洲盃季軍

28/06/2018 | 第12屆亞洲盃東區賽今日圓滿結束,東道主香港未能於煞科戰擊敗宿敵菲律賓,以5:7敗北,未能一圓冠軍夢,最終以兩勝兩敗的成績屈居第三。...
28 Jun 2018

Live Stream - Game 10 HKG vs PHI

Immediate Release | 28 June 2018 14:00 | Game 10, the last game of XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018 is now on...
28 Jun 2018

Live Stream - Game 9 INA vs SGP

Immediate Release | 28 June 2018 10:00 | Game 9 of XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018 is now on show.  Stick to...
28 Jun 2018

Live Stream - Game 8 THA vs SGP

Immediate Release | 27 June 2018 14:00 | Game 8 of XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018 is now on show.  Stick to...
28 Jun 2018

Day 4 Report

 Centum Charitas Foundation presents, XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018
Daily Report - Day 4

In day 4,...
27 Jun 2018

Live Stream - Game 7 PHI vs INA

Immediate Release | 27 June 2018 10:00 | Game 7 of XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018 is now on show.  Stick to...
27 Jun 2018

Day 3 Report

Centum Charitas Foundation presents, XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018
Daily Report - Day 3

It is the...
26 Jun 2018

Live Stream - Game 6 SGP vs PHI

Immediate Release | 26 June 2018 14:00 | Game 6 of XII BFA East Asia Baseball Cup 2018 is now on show.  Stick to...
26 Jun 2018

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